715-850-3044 | 4556 N Branch St, Wabeno, WI 54566 director@wabeno.lib.wi.us

BTU Classes

Gain essential technology skills with beginner-friendly technology classes hosted by Bug Tussel University right here at the Wabeno Public Library!

drawing of person holding rectangle with different tabs open next to him, decorative image

Tech Help Hours

JAN. 24 | 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Get one-on-one help with your tech questions. Drop in at any time during the session with your device and questions.

drawing of a person with different shapes in place of brain, decorative image

TeleHealth Basics

FEB 4 | 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Learn how to use the basic features of most online telehealth services including: attending a virtual doctor’s visit, accessing health records, paying bills, and scheduling appointments. Also, learn where to sign up for and use telehealth.