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Wabeno Public Library

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Wabeno Public Library

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Wabeno Public Library Joins V-Cat Consortium

Wabeno, WI – The Wabeno Public Library will soon join V-Cat, a shared integrated library system with 35 area public libraries in the counties of Clark, Forest, Lincoln, Langlade, Marathon, Oneida and Taylor.

V-Cat, which is facilitated by the Wisconsin Valley Library Service, is an online catalog that will give library users in Wabeno access to over 1 million items.

“We are excited to join this consortium with other libraries,” said Cynthia Lemerande, previous director of the Wabeno Public Library. “Not only will it give our patrons access to more items, but patrons will be able to receive items from other libraries more quickly.”


“Wabeno patrons who request items from other libraries will be able to do so with ease,” Lemerande said.

Along with books, cds, and dvds, joining V-Cat will give Wabeno library patrons access to more databases such as Ancestry Library Edition. 

The Wabeno Public Library is located at 4556 N. Branch St. in Wabeno. For more information, contact library director Jasmine Hanson at (715) 850-3044.

Wisconsin Valley Library Service Information

The purpose of the Wisconsin Valley Library Service (WVLS) is to facilitate cooperation among its member libraries by encouraging statewide resource sharing, promoting cost-effective use of available funds, and assisting member libraries in implementing and utilizing current and evolving technologies to ensure the ultimate level of library service to residents throughout its seven county system area. WVLS is one of 16 library systems in the state. Systems range in size from one to ten counties.

Area served: 7,360 square miles including the north central Wisconsin counties of Clark, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida and Taylor.

Office: 300 N 1st St Wausau, WI 54403

Population Served: 282,176 (2016 municipal/extended county population)

Member Libraries: Service is provided through 25 public libraries, their branches, and approximately 200 non-public libraries.

Major Services: Library software, collective purchasing, state internet access, technical expertise and support, online resources/databases, courier service, consultant service,
continuing education and training for library personnel and trustees.


More Items

Request books, DVDs, and more from 35 library and branch locations! Use the searchbox at the top of the screen and your new V-Cat library card barcode.

Online Resources

Ancestry Library Edition, Small Engine Repair, NoveList Plus… find complete details on the resources page.